Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Second hand

 Hunting for treasures in second hands is one of the best things in life. I'm walking in, trying to stay calm and explain to myself "Maybe you won't find anything interesting here, don't except pearls, you may be disappointed". But do you think it's working? Of course not, there's always that thrill, and desire to find something so extraordinary, so cool and fancy that all my friends will be green out of jealousy ;) Especially if I pay for it the price of a bus ticket. 
  One of first things to discover in new places are the best second hands in da town! The ones that maybe not always, but usually you leave with a prey. It's a real treasure map for modern pirates, arr arr arr! Put your hat on Captain! We're looking for a stylish cape for you ;) 
  I like the general idea of second hand things. Not only because they're cheap and you can find something really bizarre. It helps to reuse things that someone got bored with, even though they're still in perfect condition. We produce mountains of "waste" that is not really a waste. It's just that trend changed, we saw something in prettier color, we felt need for change, etc.  Second hands suit perfectly to the re-think, re-use, recycle way of thinking. Suits me like my new-old sweater! ;)

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