Thursday, November 29, 2012

Some nights

 Let it be, this post will be about a song! :) Fun. with their "Some nights" stayed in my ears, head, heart and on my playlist for a little longer than usual new songs that I find cool. You can find link to the song on my fan page on Facebook. And I don't know if that was author's goal but it made me actually think...what do I stand for? What do you stand for? What do we stand for?
 My author list of what to stand for:

 1. Ice cream. Yes, definitely. Another portion please!
 2. Free Sundays. Greedy employers and spoiled bored consumers that have nothing better to do on Sundays than do to the malls- Prepare to fight!
 3. Your own well-being. Sorry to ruin your ideals but Greenpeace, WWF, government (sic!) or even your granny won't take care of this if you won't. Stand up and fight!
 4. Family, Friends, The One. Is there actually anyone that wouldn't take with him on a lonely island best friend? Or dog at least? Remember standing up for your friends at school when teacher wanted to give them unfair mark? Or standing up for your sibling when they did something that parents wanted to punish for? It didn't change that much now. Life brings situations that is easier to face together, not alone.
 5. Looking good. Yep, I'm serious. All the fights in front of the wardrobe when I was finally giving up and choosing something comfortable (read: neuter) taught me one thing: it's always better to be overdressed than meet people that you hate/love/try to impress while you're in old (super ultra comfy!) tracksuit.
 6. Fun. Sometimes having time for yourself and for doing things you want to do may remind real fight, war with Life and Time. But while after while, hour after hour-you can win this battle ;)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Retro Romance

  Yes, I left my soul somewhere in the past. Or actually my soul came from the past and found my body to see the future. Do you know what fascinates me? What people from beginning of XX century were thinking about their times. What were they every day routines? What were their dreams about? Did people from then were much different than we are? They had breakfasts and were meeting with friends in cafe... They had walks and talks about life and future. They dreamed about love. they were looking for happiness. They wanted to live their life to the fullest. At least this is what I think. Do people differ that much? Over centuries, among countries and continents?

 Time machine wouldn't be a bad thing... Until it won't be created and let for public use I'll watch "Midnight in Paris". Woody Allen did this movie especially for me ;)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sitting, understanding

 It's a sunny day. I just got a recipe for pear&ginger muffins from my friend. Life slowed down. I'm surrounded with books and I have time to read them. Maybe I'll go for a bike ride, maybe play the piano, maybe I'll sew. So many opportunities and finally time! 
 One moment from yesterday was very important for me- I smelled the coffee in my cup. I felt the aroma. I felt that very little simple thing! How many similar little pleasures I didn't notice because I was in a hurry, tired, wanting something bigger and better? It's not life that is crazy and difficult. It's us, it's me making things complicated, unbearable, painful.
 I feel like I'm sitting in a class of a Life school and making notes from today's lesson:

 1. Slow down, calm down
 2. Look around carefully, notice little things
 3. Trust more life, yourself, people around you
 4. Understand how blessed you are with all that you have, that you experienced

 Home work: do something that you love today.


Friday, November 23, 2012

DIY part II


  I can't walk into the shops lately, it irritates me. I'm looking at the clothes and nothing seems interesting enough, seducing enough. It's too much of everything, the merchant is overflowing from hooks and shelves. Too much! And too much of anything can make you sick. Yes, I'm sick, I should visit a doctor... I'm getting a rash when I have to walk into shopping mall, I'm sneezing when I enter a clothes shop. I can feel my temperature rising when I'm searching between the hangers but it's the bad kind of fever, the one that you want to get rid of by sleeping all day long.

 Give me some antidote because shopping, clothes, fashion and all that jazz used to be fun part of my life! Used to be thrill and way of self expression. And now it's unpleasant duty (can duty be otherwise?). Surprising how things can change!!! :)

 And here comes the part according to the post title- Do It Yourself. Do your fashion yourself!  Sew, cut of, add, design, decorate, mix! You and I and our creativity can be an antidote for dull pieces of cloth in the shops!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Second hand

 Hunting for treasures in second hands is one of the best things in life. I'm walking in, trying to stay calm and explain to myself "Maybe you won't find anything interesting here, don't except pearls, you may be disappointed". But do you think it's working? Of course not, there's always that thrill, and desire to find something so extraordinary, so cool and fancy that all my friends will be green out of jealousy ;) Especially if I pay for it the price of a bus ticket. 
  One of first things to discover in new places are the best second hands in da town! The ones that maybe not always, but usually you leave with a prey. It's a real treasure map for modern pirates, arr arr arr! Put your hat on Captain! We're looking for a stylish cape for you ;) 
  I like the general idea of second hand things. Not only because they're cheap and you can find something really bizarre. It helps to reuse things that someone got bored with, even though they're still in perfect condition. We produce mountains of "waste" that is not really a waste. It's just that trend changed, we saw something in prettier color, we felt need for change, etc.  Second hands suit perfectly to the re-think, re-use, recycle way of thinking. Suits me like my new-old sweater! ;)

Monday, November 19, 2012

How much life in life?

This question bothers me lately: how much life I really have in my life? By life I mean high quality spent time, when you simply enjoy what you are doing, who you are, where you are. When your time is being spent but not wasted.

 I feel need of more life lately. I was trying to count how much time for real life I actually have, so I tried to count how much time I spent on different activities:

  7 hours of sleep (yep, very active activity ;))
  8 hours at work (such a waste of time!!! 1/3 of my day???)
  [it's already 15 hours, so over half of a whole day]
  2 hours for preparing meals and eating
  1 hour in trams and/or buses
  1,5 hour for beauty (choosing clothes, make up, shower, manicure, etc.)
  [ 19,5 hours. I have 4,5 hours to do whatever I want ]

 4,5 hours doesn't look that bad but how can I fit in this time relations, meetings, drawing, bike rides, reading books, traveling, cinema, concerts, yoga, creating process, shopping, crazy adventures, long walks, being lazy, and so many many things more?

 What's my alternative? Ok, there are still weekends, free days to use your life. But that's too little! I can read or listen to the music in the bus. Perfect solution would be to find work when you can do what you like the most. Or find joy and celebrate even as prosaic actions as cooking, washing the dishes, taking a shower, commuting...

 I'm trying from now on! :) More life in life!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Important notice: I have nothing against fashion bloggers and I love some of their blogs! 

Some people treat fashion like it's religion. Honestly? I'm fed up with sentence "fashion is my passion", because I see and hear it repeated again and again, used in commercial about kitchen tiles, chocolate or toothpaste. Oh, you feel resentful? Why being so serious about it? It's just a piece of cloth with a price tag, isn't it? And somehow we went crazy about it, allow it to became our only desire to be fashionable. Nothing can give girl a chills like new fashion season does but are we too blind to see that most of the shops offer us products of poor (or even very poor) quality, covering this fact with trendy style and high price?

  Whoa! Hold on crazy fashion girl! Take a deep breath and take a while before you'll start a race to the shopping center for newest collections or best sale offers. Keep calm and be smarter than marketing strategies!

  More beautiful side of fashion is style. Doesn't require big bank account and often visits in famous boutiques. Wearing what you like and want saves you from becoming fashion victim and allows to show to the world who you really are, not was the model on last fashion show dressed up in.

  I want to see happy people in the streets, expressing themselves by the outfit! Not copy-paste models from catalogs.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blogging Beasts :)

 1. Where? In the cinema! But not typical one... Cinema that wants to be popcorn-free space open for art and positive initiatives. Special place requires special outfits so bloggers had an opportunity to present themselves in costumes inspired by movies :) Want more photos? Check them out here:,35771,12821899.html?i=0

2. Who? Charlie Chaplin, a priest, Al Capone, Princess Amidala, Gandalf, Mia from Pulp Fiction (even two!), Ghost Buster, Lord Vader, Woody Allen, Pirate, Marie Antoinette... And plenty more :) Bloggers' imagination and creativity had finally a space to be presented. Everyone who has own blog was invited to participate for free, to talk and listen about blogs. What blogs? All kinds! :) Fashion, lifestyle, cooking, technology, marketing, travels, physics, poetry, art... No matter what you write about, the fact that you do is the one that matters ;) Curious who is the perpetrator of this bloggers' mess? Check it out here:

I love those old guys playing chess in the background! :)
3. Why? Why Bloggers from Wrocław meet and what they do then? They talk. About blogs, about their experiences, about themselves, about anything. That's the whole magic of these Meetings-
 different people connected with one thing-blogging-find time and will to detach from their computers for a while. The atmosphere there is electrified with enthusiasm and passion. Contacts and web addresses are circulating between participants, as well as positive energy :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Moodboard: Blue

  Post will be blue but not because of blue mood, not at all. It will be blue because my eyes are so, or maybe because I'm wearing blue jeans jacket today? Or maybe the blue won't have a meaning at all?

  Meaning... The meaning of life, yes... After over 20 years of looking for the meaning of life I finally discovered weird true: life doesn't have meaning. Doesn't have it unless you'll give it one (or two, or five thousands meanings). It works the same with everything: you can give it a meaning or don't give a damn about it- you choose. Sunny day, break up, concert tonight, global warming, last summer- you decide what has a meaning for you.  So is your life meaningful or meaningless?

  It made me also think about the meaning of this blog. It has a meaning for me. Does it have meaning for humanity or blogosphere? I don't know. But I know it'll stay my virtual sketchbook, with my drawings, photos and short comments for reality I'm living in. If it has a meaning for you-let me know! :) 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good vibrations

  Autumn... Rain... Clouds... Depression... Stop! People! Give me some good, good, good vibrations! :) Give me some colors, some new dreams, some sweetness, some smile and some dance! 
  Did you ever met those crazy fellows with a "FREE HUGS" tablet? I love the idea! Ok, it's so awkward to hug in the middle of the street with complete strangers but think about it... Actually... Why not? Why not use what world offers us and offers it for free? I've noticed that the reason I'm feeling upset is always the same- I closed my mind, fixed on only one thought/problem or way of thinking and decided that there's no solution and help. And how can I be helpless with over 7 billion people on this planet??? 

 Wisdom from internet: "If you change nothing, nothing will change"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Life without trousers

  Do you remember this post: ? It's from 17th of July and I'm proud to say I still didn't give up and didn't buy a new pair ;) But it was easy to live without them when it was warm; now, when winter is gathering all coldness to attack, how can I defend? I'm sure I'll find the way!
   Did throwing away last pair of trousers made me go threw some inner transformation? Hmm... Not really :D I'd like to write you an essay about positive influence of wearing dresses on my mind, health and how I became crazy party rocker but no... It's all about wearing clothes that you feel good in. My absolute guru in this topic is Gok Wan, with his "Use what you've got sexy Girl!". The best advice you could get from a stylist is from his book: "Look at you, look at what you're wearing. If your clothes aren't saying <I'm the most wonderful creature on this planet> take them off immediately!". He's so right! So all my sexy Girls, show the world what you've got :)