Let it be, this post will be about a song! :) Fun. with their "Some nights" stayed in my ears, head, heart and on my playlist for a little longer than usual new songs that I find cool. You can find link to the song on my fan page on Facebook. And I don't know if that was author's goal but it made me actually think...what do I stand for? What do you stand for? What do we stand for?
My author list of what to stand for:
1. Ice cream. Yes, definitely. Another portion please!
2. Free Sundays. Greedy employers and spoiled bored consumers that have nothing better to do on Sundays than do to the malls- Prepare to fight!
3. Your own well-being. Sorry to ruin your ideals but Greenpeace, WWF, government (sic!) or even your granny won't take care of this if you won't. Stand up and fight!
4. Family, Friends, The One. Is there actually anyone that wouldn't take with him on a lonely island best friend? Or dog at least? Remember standing up for your friends at school when teacher wanted to give them unfair mark? Or standing up for your sibling when they did something that parents wanted to punish for? It didn't change that much now. Life brings situations that is easier to face together, not alone.
5. Looking good. Yep, I'm serious. All the fights in front of the wardrobe when I was finally giving up and choosing something comfortable (read: neuter) taught me one thing: it's always better to be overdressed than meet people that you hate/love/try to impress while you're in old (super ultra comfy!) tracksuit.
6. Fun. Sometimes having time for yourself and for doing things you want to do may remind real fight, war with Life and Time. But while after while, hour after hour-you can win this battle ;)