Sunday, January 19, 2014

We all owe Mr. Disney

 Lately I came across few Walt Disney's quotations and they made me curious about that guy and about what was happening in his skull, what pushed him to create fairytale empire. 

 "The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique."

 Love this simple idea :) So many books written about being yourself and here it is, the recipe for happy life given in one sentence. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Childish roots

(This collage contains illustration made by somebody else)

  I'm definitely getting old(er). I'm catching myself on thinking way too often "When I was a child...". I promised myself to spend less time surfing on the internet  and I was thinking how did I spend my free time in the pre-internet era. Hmm... Drawing, reading, lots of long walks. I'm longing for those simply activities now. I'm longing for the times, when it was so natural to spend all evening with the book, to just take out paper and pencil, to meet with best friend for a long walk (that equaled long talk). Now those activities are just another things that I'm juggling with, thinking nervously how to balance work, dreams and reality, finding time for everything, everybody and not forgetting about myself. Maybe time to ask my Inner Child what's in plans for tonight? ;)

Sunday, January 12, 2014


 I should make and glue some posters around the city with the big bold WANTED on them. What would I look for? Not for a cat or a criminal, but for words. I'm loosing words, my internal dictionary is shrinking, the best answer for most of the questions seems to be "like", "share" or emoticon. In the flood of shit, fuck and ok I can't find the beauty and depth of (not only English) language.

 Suddenly, as I noticed holes in my dictionary, I felt hunger for literature (this word sounds so archaic!), books, knowledge, beautiful stories (longer than the answer to the question "How are you?"). Do writers nowadays value their words? Do readers nowadays value the words they're reading?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Work out!

 Breaking news: New Year's resolutions can cause frustration!

 Yep, that's the title of an article I saw on the internet. Hmm... I don't think it's the resolution that causes the frustration, it's rather the weak will that is stronger than a desire to change something. So now we can not only blame our parents and childhood for everything that goes wrong in our life, not only government and procrastination can be our excuse, but also innocent (?) resolution! Poor little things, us humans! Everything is frustrating us, stressing us out and making our life on this planet such a pain...

 I hope you sensed the irony in what I wrote. And I hope that you have courageous plans and resolutions for our brand new 2014! Care- and frustration- less, happy New Year! And remember:

"Dreams don't work unless you do."