Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fashion & Finance

  Fashion is a huge business, costing and bringing looots of money; but today I'll write about it from my own perspective. Have you heard of a book "Rich dad, poor dad" written by Robert Kiyosaki? I'm eating few pages everyday in the metro, on my way to and back from work. Pretty inspiring thing and a must-read for those, who want to be rich. 

 The main lesson from the book is to know the difference between assets and liabilities. I won't summarize you the book here, but I'd like to share with you my own discovery. Having this financial knowledge I transferred it into my reality. I was a bit shocked to see that assets/liabilities rule work as well on clothes as it works on money! I love to buy dresses that astonish and charm me from the first second I see them. What happens next? They hang for years in my closet, waiting for perfect occasion to see the sunlight again. They're my liabilities. Something that I owe, but it doesn't bring me much profit. And while I spent my money on those gorgeous dresses, I don't have enough for basic everyday clothes (that can also be gorgeous, why not?), that would be my assets- I could use them often and my profit would be lack of that despair in the morning "I have nothing to wear!!!!". 


1 comment:

  1. Do you need another asset review when it comes to clothes, we can manage to do it again...>:)
