Saturday, November 30, 2013


 They say that we can create our own destiny, our own thoughts, ourselves. And it's true! It's actually pretty scary truth, because we have so much freedom and we do so little with it. Instead of free choices, we prefer the power of habit. Without asking questions in life, it's easy to turn into a robot. Questions like: "Do I have to do this?" (especially if I hate it), "Why do I do this?" "How can I change it?" "What can I do to make my life easier/better/more satisfying?". Whenever I'm getting into some emotional vicious circle of bad emotions, a question like this makes it suddenly clear and easy to solve. Sometimes you don't even need to have an answer-the question is an answer itself.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fashion & Finance

  Fashion is a huge business, costing and bringing looots of money; but today I'll write about it from my own perspective. Have you heard of a book "Rich dad, poor dad" written by Robert Kiyosaki? I'm eating few pages everyday in the metro, on my way to and back from work. Pretty inspiring thing and a must-read for those, who want to be rich. 

 The main lesson from the book is to know the difference between assets and liabilities. I won't summarize you the book here, but I'd like to share with you my own discovery. Having this financial knowledge I transferred it into my reality. I was a bit shocked to see that assets/liabilities rule work as well on clothes as it works on money! I love to buy dresses that astonish and charm me from the first second I see them. What happens next? They hang for years in my closet, waiting for perfect occasion to see the sunlight again. They're my liabilities. Something that I owe, but it doesn't bring me much profit. And while I spent my money on those gorgeous dresses, I don't have enough for basic everyday clothes (that can also be gorgeous, why not?), that would be my assets- I could use them often and my profit would be lack of that despair in the morning "I have nothing to wear!!!!". 


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cocktail party

 One of the reasons I enjoyed watching "Sex and the City" or "Gossip Girl" so much was because of all those fancy-but-still-casual parties they had there. So many opportunities to wear beautiful dresses that are too elegant for work/everyday but too modest for big events like a wedding. 

 Little Wikipedia research: cocktail parties started around 1917.  Mrs. Walsh invited 50 guests to her house on a Sunday at high noon for a one-hour affair. "The party scored an instant hit," the newspaper declared and stated that, within weeks, cocktail parties had become "a St. Louis institution"

 Is going out with friends our modern replacement for cocktail parties? Hmmm, maybe it's time to organize a little (cocktail) party :)  

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Limited (?) options

 I'm exercising now different ways of giving my hand illustrations some digital twist. One of the exercises from the book I have was just playing with filters in photoshop. I didn't like to use them too much because it's easy to get a very kitschy result, but trying them out after a very long time made me realize that I'm using only small percentage of PS possibilities. Well, I'm using not even 1% of the possibilities modern world gives me! And cyberspace. And the situation and place I'm in now. We have million of possibilities and such a small comfort zone...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Iron Lady

 I have one very special talent (no, I didn't mean drawing, but thank you for noticing ;) )- while shopping,  I instinctively like and grab clothes that are horrible to iron. They might have a lot of layers, difficult textile or complicated structure with collars, puffed sleeves, plenty of pleats, etc. However I like simplicity, I'm not really making my life easier :) 

 Ironing clothes calms me down and it's one of my favorite house works-but why am I constantly challenging myself with complicated pieces of my wardrobe? ;)