Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sending energy into Space

For sure you know the feeling when nothing's going right,and actually, nothing is going (to happen). It's like the air has stopped, the same with time. Not even a single text message; refreshing your mail doesn't help either. Nothing interesting on TV. You're hungry, but you don't know what to eat. It's like standing on the edge of the Black Hole.

I don't know how about you, but i hate this state and worked out a method. I called it "sending energy into space". Sounds sort of weird? :D 
The point is just to do something, e.g. turn your favourite music on,  go for a walk, write a mail, take a pencil and draw or write something, go sleep, light a candle or,usually working for me, prepare a delicious coffee in your favourite mug and delight each sip!

1 comment:

  1. Here is a little song I wrote
    You might want to sing it note for note
    Don't worry be happy
    In every life we have some trouble
    When you worry you make it double
    Don't worry, be happy......
