After a phase for sequins, shiny gold, hair full of volume and bright colors I'm dreaming about simplicity. Give me fresh air, give me sunlight, give me blue sky. Simple beauty of walking, drinking tea, stretching, listening to music, falling asleep, walking. Am I turning into Buddhist? Maybe :)
Gok Wan believes in zen in your bathroom with your cosmetics- the less, the better. Choose quality over quantity. Maximum 10 make up cosmetics, but the best quality. I tried it-it works :) I felt instantly bigger pleasure of all beauty rituals because I wasn't distracted with the tons of lipsticks, shower gels, boxes and bottles of creams and liquids that got old and unattractive in my eyes. F.ex. instead of two or three cheaper lipsticks I can buy the one that is more luxurious and feel like a goddess every time I'm using it. You say: but you'll use it faster than three cheaper ones! I say: but do you really like to use old lipstick? After a while you'll throw it to the waste bin because it got expired or out of fashion.
Oh, wait... But I wanted to write about dresses :) So does this zen rule applies to the wardrobe? Sure it does! Take a closer look on the piles of clothes in your closet and think of your every morning struggle: "This is too big!" or "I'm too big for this!" or "This one has a hole/stain!" or "I don't have time now to iron this!" or "What I had in my mind buying this?!" or "I don't have where to wear this!" or "I don't have what to wear this with!" etc. Save your time and place in the closet by giving all the clothes in good shape but no longer matching your shape to the charity. Throw out old to make a place for the new one. And next time you'll go for shopping, remember to complete your wardrobe with things that you need, you look and feel good in, you can mix with what you already have.
Gok Wan believes in zen in your bathroom with your cosmetics- the less, the better. Choose quality over quantity. Maximum 10 make up cosmetics, but the best quality. I tried it-it works :) I felt instantly bigger pleasure of all beauty rituals because I wasn't distracted with the tons of lipsticks, shower gels, boxes and bottles of creams and liquids that got old and unattractive in my eyes. F.ex. instead of two or three cheaper lipsticks I can buy the one that is more luxurious and feel like a goddess every time I'm using it. You say: but you'll use it faster than three cheaper ones! I say: but do you really like to use old lipstick? After a while you'll throw it to the waste bin because it got expired or out of fashion.
Oh, wait... But I wanted to write about dresses :) So does this zen rule applies to the wardrobe? Sure it does! Take a closer look on the piles of clothes in your closet and think of your every morning struggle: "This is too big!" or "I'm too big for this!" or "This one has a hole/stain!" or "I don't have time now to iron this!" or "What I had in my mind buying this?!" or "I don't have where to wear this!" or "I don't have what to wear this with!" etc. Save your time and place in the closet by giving all the clothes in good shape but no longer matching your shape to the charity. Throw out old to make a place for the new one. And next time you'll go for shopping, remember to complete your wardrobe with things that you need, you look and feel good in, you can mix with what you already have.
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