I met friends from studies last weekend and that meeting remind me that specific atmosphere of living close with art. Coming back by train was great opportunity to write down all the rushing thoughts and ideas popping out like crazy. (You may find out about one of them by the end of today ;)) But more important than night art exhibition (in old Jewish swimming pool- creepy!), drinking mulled wine and talking, was one little question that I was asked: "Are you consequent, Marta?"
In the first moment I wanted to deny. "No, how can I be consequent, keep talking about things I want to do with my art, dreams, but I don't do much or even anything to make them come true, bla bla bla..." after a while I realized it's very unfair opinion about myself. "Wait a second, Girl! You are super duper consequent! You keep drawing since you were child, you went on artistic studies, now you have 2 years old blog with your art, the books and magazines that catch your attention in kiosks are all about fashion, designing, etc. You're damn consequent!"
It's funny to listen to yourself inner conversation sometimes ;) Dear Readers, be prepared for consequence here- new portions of my drawings, inspirations and thoughts + some surprises soon!
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