Why do I draw mainly pretty models wearing pretty dresses? I should add something more personal into them, some emotions, maybe loneliness, maybe anger? Anything!
Those were the usual comments from my professors. And while I was studying I felt wrong about it, I was trying to add some more drama. But you know what? Now I don't care about it any more because I draw what I feel, what I want, what I feel the best in. If you really want to find some deeply hidden emotions, look at the colors, line, blots. They can tell you was I calm or angry, self confident or doubting, happy or gloomy.
And by the way, did Japanese artist had to explain why their masterpieces are flat, without chiaroscuro? Or Art Nuvo artists? Did anyone ask them why the hell they're drawing, painting, sculpting so many beautiful naked women?
Then, dear Professors, I'm going my way!
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