All done? Then give me few more minutes to think about it.
Now... How much of time you need? How many new friends and what you want to do together? What kind of adventures you'd like to have? Define quantity, quality, when, where and how. Half of the work is done! Now nothing else matters but filling the gaps in your life. Focus on one, then go to another. Take them one by one. Now I'll use two horrible, very old fashioned words: consequence & discipline. I know, they sound like a nightmare from childhood, but they're actually very helpful i making dreams come true! You'll see that just taking care of your lacks makes you more happy. At least it happens to me ;)
I thought that you should focus only on positive things in your life but that's not truth. When you notice the bad things, they're the guideposts to better, to solutions, to good change. Let's start from now! :)
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