Sometimes, when I have really good day, great mood, headphones with cool music on my ears- I'm a sidewalk queen. My steps are firm and vigorous, I'm bestowing people with my smile, no matter if they care or don't. On the days like that I'm walking on the sunny side of the street, my bus is always on time and people with fliers aren't annoying at all.
But I'm not everyday sidewalk queen, and sidewalk it's not only a space for me. There are plenty of "sidewalk freaks". People who want something more from you than just pass you- they want your time and attention, they have something to tell you. What's more- they want you to understand something, to change your point of view, to give something from yourself. I had a meeting like that few days ago. I started to wonder if I have written on my forehead "Go on, ask me if I read books!" becouse two guys asking about it in one week it's 'a bit' more than my life's average. Oh, and maybe there's another sentence there, written with smaller type: "Especially if you're from a sect". Second starnger offering me a book made me think who am I, who are we in general to decide in what we should believe, which religion is the only right one and whose God is the 'proper' one. And it dawned on me...we are all humans. Nothing less, nothing more.
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