I'm sure everyone knows days like this- you'd like to do so many things and you feel you can't do anything. Nothing seems interesting or easy enough to be done, even if it'll make you feel better. And it's not laziness (I hope so! ;)), it's just 'that day'. The day that it's better to do nothing than something. Hmm... Do days like that have sense? I'm sure they do, but I didn't figure it out yet.
At least I had an opportunity to watch a movie- small pleasure that I almost forget. I chose "Julie & Julia" (I don't remember how many times I watched it already...) and, to be honest, that was the perfect choice ;) Not only becouse of positive vibes and message, but also becouse of brilliant costumes and sceneries. I'm in love with small hats worn by ellegant women from '40 and '50. And I'm hungry now!
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